Volume 25
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 24 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 23 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 22 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 21 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 20 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 19 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 18 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 17 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 16 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 15 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 14 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 13 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 12 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 11 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 10 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 9 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 8 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 7 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 6 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 5 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 4 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 3 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 2 
No. 1 | No. 2
Volume 1 
No. 1 | No. 2

Volume 25 Number 2 (2017)


  1. Removing Obstacles to a Peaceful Death
    • Kathy L. Cerminara
    • Barbara A. Noah
  2. The Perplexities of Age and Power
    • Sharona Hoffman
  3. Total “Medicare” Compliance in a New Age
    • Jason D. Lazarus
  4. A View from the Bridge: A Brief Look at the Progression of Cases of Elder Financial Exploitation Prosecutions
    • Rebecca C. Morgan, J.D.
    • Pamela B. Teaster, Ph.D.
    • Randolph W. Thomas, M.A.
  5. Cultivating Gardens and Cultivating Generations: Purposeful Living as Standard of Care for Elder Law Attorneys
    • Kimberly E. O’Leary
    • Marie Were


  1. Solving America’s Long-Term Care Financing Crisis: Financing Universal Long-Term Care Insurance with a Mandatory Federal Income Tax Surcharge that Increases with Age
    • Zachary Anderson
  2. Uncle Sam Killed Grandma: How the Estate Tax Can Help Alleviate Medicare Uncertainty
    • Alexander Karl
  3. The Potential Unconstitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Board and its Ramifications for the Elderly
    • Peter Legrand

Volume 25 Number 1 (2017)


  1. Founding Advisor’s Perspective
    • Richard L. Kaplan
  2. Matters of the Heart—Keeping Pace with Science, Ethics, and the Law in Deactivation of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices, Including Pacemakers
    • James H. Pietsch
  3. Not Young Guns Anymore: Dementia and the Second Amendment
    • Fredrick E. Vars
  4. Identifying Connections Between Elder Law and Gerontology: Implications for Teaching, Research, and Practice
    • Nina A. Kohn
    • Maria Brown
    • Israel Doran


  1. Flaming Fifties and Beyond: An International Comparison of Age Discrimination Laws and How the United States Could Improve the Laws for Elderly Women
    • Shaleen Morales Saldarriaga
  2. Do I Really Have To?: An Examination of Mandatory Reporting Statutes and the Civil and Criminal Penalties Imposed for Failure to Report Elder Abuse
    • Rachael Bernal
  3. The Primary Purpose for Admitting Hearsay over Confrontation Challenges in Elder Abuse Cases: A Framework for Bringing Unavailability Concerns into the Light in a Post-Crawford World
    • Anna Corcoran 

Volume 24 Number 2 (2017)



Volume 24 Number 1 (2016)



Volume 23 Number 2 (2016)


  1. Making Elder Financial Exploitation Cases Part of a Sustainable Practice: Tips from the Experiences of the University of Illinois College of Law’s Elder Financial Justice Clinic 
    • Matthew N. Andres
  2. Wills Above Ground
    • Thomas E. Simmons
  3. Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Not the Solution to the High Cost of Long-Term Care for the Elderly
    • Lawrence A. Frolik 


  1. Reversing Course: Strengthening Consumer Protections for Reverse Mortgages
    • Dan Latona
  2. “But I’m Not Dangerous, Judge, I Promise!”: Evaluating the Implications of Involuntary Civil Commitment Criteria and Outpatient Treatment Methods on the Elderly 
    • Ashley Dus
  3. Shining the Light on Pearly Whites: Improving Oral Care for Elders in a Post-Affordable Care Act World 
    • Kristen Chang 

Volume 23 Number 1 (2015)


  1. Reflections on Medicare at 50: Breaking the Chains of Path Dependency for a New Era
    • Richard L. Kaplan
  2. Medicaid Spend Down, Estate Recovery and Divorce: Doctrine, Planning and Policy
    • John A. Miller
  3. Restoration of Rights in the Termination of Adult Guardianship
    • Jenica Cassidy 


  1. Linking Assisted Suicide and Abortion: Life, Death, and Choice 
    • David Busscher
  2. Society’s Response to the “Invisible” Abuse of Elders: Understanding and Addressing the Financial Abuse of Society’s Most Vulnerable Citizens
    • Taylor Lemick
  3. A Balanced Approach to a Growing Problem: How Congress Can Keep Roads Safe and the Elderly Population Happy 
    • Martin McElligott
  4. Thinning the Gray Vote: State Voter Identification Laws and the Nation’s Elderly  
    • Matthew Petruszak
  5.  The Nation’s Wealth Above Seniors’ Health? Drug Shortages Resulting from Medicare Part B Legislation 
    • Lindsey Weltman

Volume 22 Number 2 (2015)


  1. “Making Things Fair”: An Empirical Study of How People Approach the Wealth Transmission System
    • Naomi Cahn & Amy Ziettlow
  2. Grandparents and Accessory Dwelling Units: Preserving Intimacy and Independence
    • Margaret F. Brinig
  3. Bridging the Uncompensated Caregiver Gap: Does Technology Provide and Ethically and Legally Viable Answer?
    • Donna S. Harkness


  1. When “Yes” Might Mean “No”: Standardizing State Criteria to Evaluate the Capacity to Consent to Sexual Activity for Elderly with Neurocognitive Disorders
    • Stephanie L. Tang
  2. Something Catchy: Nursing Home Liability in the Senior Sexually Transmitted Disease Epidemic
    • Alexander Warso
  3. The Unravelling of an American City: Pensions, Municipal Debt, and Chapter 9 Bankruptcy
    • Vaneeta Chintamaneni

Volume 22 Number 1 (2014)


  1. It’s Complicated: Age, Gender, and Lifetime Discrimination against Working Women – the United States and the U.K. as Examples
    • Susan Bisom-Rapp & Malcolm Sargeant
  2. Governing for Health as the World Grows Older: Healthy Lifespans in Aging Societies
    • Lawrence O. Gostin & Anna Garsia
  3. Something Old, Something New: Recent Developments in the Enforceability of Agreements to Arbitrate Disputes between Nursing Homes and Their Residents
    • John R. Schleppenbach
  4. Healthcare Decision-Making for Mentally Incapacitated Incarcerated Individuals
    • M. Scott Smith, Laura Anne Taylor, & Andrew Wake


  1. The Case for VA Pension Reform: To Better Serve Those That Served, a Look-Back Provision and Additional Improvements Are Needed
    • Juan D. Mejia
  2. The Public Pension Reform Problem
    • Honor Moore
  3. A Cell for a Home: Addressing the Crisis of Booming Elder Inmate Populations in State Prisons
    • Caroline M. Upton


Volume 21 Number 2 (2013)


  1. What Are Families For: Reevaluating Return to Filial Responsibility Laws
    • Donna Harkness
  2. A Call to Action on Elder Law Education: An Assessment and Recommendations Based on a National Survey
    • Nina A. Kohn & Edward D. Spurgeon
  3. Supporting the Oldest Old: The Role of Social Insurance, Pensions, and Financial Products
    • Jonathan Barry Forman


  1. HELP-ing Hand: How Legislation Can Reform the Affordable Care Act and Hospice Care to Prioritize Comfort and Prepare for the Baby Boomer Generation
    • Matthew E. Misichko
  2. Distinction without a Difference: Reforming the Medicare Three-Day Qualifying Stay Rule for SNF Care
    • Jonathan W. Padish
  3. SNAP-ping out of It: A Case for Removing Seniors from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
    • Theresa Reiss


Volume 21 Number 1 (2013)


  1. “Peter Pan” as Public Policy: Should Fifty-Five-Plus Age-Restricted Communities Continue to be Exempt From Civil Rights Laws and Substantive Federal Regulation?
    • Mark D. Bauer
  2. In Denial: The Role of Law in Preparing for Death
    • Barbara A. Noah
  3. Should Social Security and Medicare Be More Market-Based?
    • Daniel Shaviro


  1. Medicare and Medical Tourism: Saving Medicare with a Global Approach to Coverage
    • Jennifer Conley
  2. Nail in the Coffin: Can Elderly Americans Afford to Die?
    • Elizabeth Howell Boldt
  3. Is Forty the New Thirty, or Should It Be Under the ADEA? Raising the ADEA Coverage Age in Exchange for “Make-Whole” Pain and Suffering Damages
    • Allison Van Kampen
  4. Redefining Disability: Increasing Efficiency and Fairness in SSDI
    • Hannah Weinberger-Divak


Volume 20 Number 2 (2012)


  1. Filial Support Laws in the Modern Era: Domestic and International Comparison of Enforcement Practices for Laws Requiring Adult Children to Support Indigent Parents
    • Katherine C. Pearson
  2. Expanding Access to Justice for Socially and Economically Needy Elders Through Law School Experiential Programs
    • James H. Pietsch
  3. The Will as Personal Narrative
    • Karen J. Sneddon


  1. Revisiting Roxy Russell: How Current Companion Animal Trust and Custody Laws Affect Elderly Pet “Guardians” in the Event of Death or Incapacity
    • Paige Dowdakin
  2. 401(k) Leakage: Crafting a Solution Consistent with the Shift to Employee-Managed Retirement Accounts
    • Thomas Olson
  3. Bridging the Gap: Farm Transition Challenges Facing Elder Farmers and the Need for a Nationwide Farm-On Program
    • Tyler Slack
  4. The Elder Law and Miscellaneous Remedies Division: A Unique Opportunity to Serve as a Model Court for the Nation
    • Heather Smith Grattan


Volume 20 Number 1 (2012)


  1. Top Ten Myths of Medicare
    • Richard Kaplan
  2. Municipal Elder Law: A Minnesota Perspective
    • Kim Dayton and Dr. Israel (Issi) Doron
  3. “Elderly” as Vulnerable: Rethinking the Nature of Individual and Societal Responsibility
    • Martha Albertson Fineman


  1. Unfortu-Nation: America’s Libertarian Ethos, and the Rejection of Cost-Effective Rationing Health Care Reform
    • Daniel Cunix
  2. Who Watches the Watchmen: Will a Nationwide System of Background Checks for Nursing Home Employees Help Curb Elder Abuse?
    • Kaitlyn Luther
  3. The United States Military and Its Anti-Gay Discriminatory Policies: Impact on the Elderly LGBT Community
    • Stephanie D. Myott
  4. You Don’t have to Go Home But you Can’t Stay Here: The Current State of Federal Nursing Home Involuntary Discharge Laws
    • William Pipal


Volume 19 Number 1 (2011)


  1. Restoring Retirement Security: The Market Crisis, the Great Risk Shift, and the Challenge for Our Nation
    • Jacob S. Hacker
  2. The Bell is Tolling: Retiree Health Benefits Post-Health Reform
    • Susan E. Cancelosi
  3. The Rise in Elder Bankruptcy Filings and the Failure of U.S. Bankruptcy Law
    • John A. E. Pottow


  1. Ensuring Equal Access to the Internet for the Elderly: The Need to Amend Title III of the ADA
    • Michael P. Anderson
  2. Calculating Death: Implications of the Six-Month Prognosis Certification Requirement for the Medicare Hospice Benefit
    • Amanda Jacobowski
  3. Protecting the Protectors: A Call for Fair Working Conditions for Home Health Care Workers
    • Julia Lippitt
  4. Law, Insouciance, and Death in the Emergency Room
    • Erin Webley


Volume 19 Number 2 (2012)


  1. “Gen Silent”: Advocating for LGBT Elders
    • Nancy J. Knauer
  2. Potential for Self-Reporting of Older Adult Maltreatment: An Empirical Examination
    • Eve M. Brank, Lindsey E. Wylie, and Joseph A. Hamm


  1. A Patchwork Quilt: The Case for Collage Contest Model Ante-Mortem Probate in Light of Alaska’s Recent Ante-Mortem Legislation
    • Forrest J. Heyman
  2. Injustice in Indian Country: The Need for a Serious Response to Native American Elder Abuse
    • Justin Seigler
  3. Es Dificil Aprender Ingles: Expanding the English-Language Waiver to Allow Elderly Immigrants to Naturalize
    • Pam Swanson
  4. Incentivizing Work at Older Ages: The Need for Social Security Reform
    • Justin Zimmerman


Volume 18 Number 1 (2010)


  1. Cracks in the Armor: Due Process, Attorney’s Fees, and the Department of Veterans Affairs
    • Victoria L. Collier and Drew Early
  2. The Golden Age of Aging, and Its Discontents
    • Peter H. Schuck


  1. Old School – O.K.: No Need to Return to Mandatory Retirement in Higher Education
    • Michael D. Jacobsen
  2. Social Security Systems around the World: Do Cultural Priorities Affect Their Development
    • Elaine S. Kuntz
  3. The Eternal Flame: Capacity to Consent to Sexual Behavior among Nursing Home Residents with Dementia
    • Melissa C. White
  4. The Policymaker’s Handbook to Entitlement Reform: A New Approach to Saving Our Seniors
    • Michael R. Wilson


  1. Trends and Tips in Long-Term Care: Who Benefits – or Loses – from Expanded Choices
    • Eric M. Carlson


Volume 18 Number 2 (2011)


  1. Analyzing the Impact of the New Health Care Reform Legislation on Older Americans
    • Richard L. Kaplan
  2. Wisconsin’s Individual-at-Risk Restraining Order: An Analysis of the First Thirty Months
    • Betsy J. Abramson, Marsha M. Mansfield, and Jane A. Raymond
  3. Living Wills: Is It Time to Pull the Plug
    • Dorothy D. Nachman


  1. Incomplete Protection: The Inadequacy of Current Penalty Enhancement Provisions in Deterring Fraud Schemes Targeting the Elderly
    • Dylan Fallik
  2. The Crossroad: An Analysis of the Intersection between Medical Malpractice, Health Care Costs, and Prostate Cancer
    • Bryan W. Hernandez
  3. Aegrescit Medendo: Addressing Barriers to Medical Malpractice Litigation Faced by the Elderly
    • Ryan McCarthy
  4. Elderly Sex Offenders: What Should Be Done
    • Elizabeth Taylor


Volume 17 Number 1 (2009)


  1. Consumer Scams and the Elderly: Preserving Independence through Shifting Default Rules
    • Nathalie Martin
  2. Strange Bedfellows: Why Older Straight Couples Should Advocate for the Passage of the Illinois Civil Union Act
    • John R. Schleppenbach


  1. Looking for a Good Death: The Elderly Terminally Ill’s Right to Die by Physician-Assisted Suicide
    • Katherine A. Chamberlain
  2. Nursing Wounds: Why LGBT Elders Need Protection from Discrimination and Abuse Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
    • Jaime E. Hovey
  3. Credit Card Disclosures and the Elderly: Will the Proposed Amendments to Regulation Z Help the Elderly Understand Credit Card Documents
    • Jeffrey Kimball Paulsen
  4. No One in Charge: Durable Powers of Attorney and the Failure to Protect Incapacitated Principals
    • Jennifer L. Rhein


Volume 17 Number 2 (2010)


  1. Deception, Decisions, and Investor Education
    • Jayne W. Barnard
  2. Planning for Alzheimer’s Disease with Mental Health Advance Directives
    • Lisa Brodoff


  1. Empty Promises: Can the Welfare Benefits of Current Retirees Be Saved
    • Steven A. Budde
  2. The Patient Care Ombudsman: Who Should It Be
    • Anna Kaluzny
  3. Too Experienced for the Flight Deck – Why the Age 65 Rule is Not Enough
    • Nicholas D. O’Conner
  4. Expanding the Statutory Definition of Child in Intestacy Law: A Just Solution for the Inheritance Difficulties Grandparent Caregivers’ Grandchildren Currently Face
    • Neta Sazonov


  1. Retirement Risk Management in Times of Turmoil
    • Olivia S. Mitchell


Volume 16 Number 1 (2008)


  1. When Over-the-Limit Is Over the Top: Addressing the Adverse Impact of Unconscionable Consumer-Credit Practices on the Elderly
    • Donna S. Harkness
  2. Marketing Wills
    • Michael R. McCunney and Alyssa A. DiRusso
  3. Aging in Place, Housing, and the Law
    • Jon Pynoos, Christy Nishita, Caroline Cicero, and Rachel Caraviello


  1. The Kids Aren’t All Right: The Failure of Child Abuse Statutes as a Model for Elder Abuse Statutes
    • Joseph W. Barber
  2. Abuse, Harassment, and Deception: How the FDCPA Is Failing America’s Elderly Debtors
    • Matthew W. Ludwig
  3. Taking Care of Our Caretakers: Using Filial Responsibility Laws to Support the Elderly Beyond the Government’s Assistance
    • Allison E. Ross
  4. Foreign-Economic-Retirment Migration: Promises and Potential, Barriers and Burdens
    • Nicholas D. Zeltzer


Volume 16 Number 2 (2009)


  1. The Liability Environment for Physicians Providing Nursing Home Medical Care: Does It Make a Difference for Residents?
    • Marshall B. Kapp, J.D., M.P.H.
  2. The Retirement Distribution Decision Ten Years Later: Results from an Empirical Study
    • Colleen E. Medill
  3. Can Legalization Improve End-of-Life Care? An Empirical Analysis of the Results of the Legalization of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide in the Netherlands and Oregon
    • Jackson Pickett


  1. Removing the Wrinkle in Cosmetics and Drug Regulation: A Notice Rating System and Education Proposal for Anti-Aging Cosmeceuticals
    • Victoria Farren
  2. Improving the Immigration Policy of the United States to Fulfill the Caregiving Needs of America’s Aging Baby Boomers: The Alternative to Outsourcing Grandma
    • Sarah J. Rasalam
  3. Going Dutch: Can Holland Solve the U.S. Insurance Problem?
    • Brent R. Trame
  4. The Aging Population and Maturing Mortgage Loans: Ensuring a Secure Financial Lifeline for the Elderly Through Mortgage Lending
    • Kristine M. Young


Volume 15 Number 1 (2007)


  1. Aging, Globalization, and the Legal Construction of “Residence”: The Case of Old-Age Pensions in Israel
    • Israel Doron and Tal Golan
  2. The Convicted Felon as a Guardian: Considering the Alternatives of Potential Guardians with Less-Than-Perfect Records
    • Mike E. Jorgensen
  3. Understanding Social Insurance: Fairness, Affordability, and the “Modernization” of Social Security and Medicare
    • Theodore R. Marmor and Jerry L. Mashaw
  4. When Altruism Is Not Enough: The Worsening Organ Shortage and What it Means for the Elderly
    • Sally L. Satel and Benjamin E. Hippen


  1. Why Nursing Homes Will Not Work: Caring for the Needs of the Aging Muslim American Population
    • Roaa M. Al-Heeti
  2. Answering the Call to Support Elderly Kinship Caregivers
    • Jeffrey C. Goelitz
  3. Do I Really Understand? Cultural Concerns in Determining Diminished Competency
    • Helen Y. Kim
  4. First-Aid for Housing the Low- and Fixed-Income Elderly: The Case for Resuscitating Cooperative Housing
    • David S. Wilson


Volume 15 Number 2 (2007)


  1. Uncovering and Understanding Hidden Fees in Qualified Retirement Plans
    • Matthew D. Hutcheson
  2. Please Don’t Bury Me Down in That Cold Cold Ground: The Need for Uniform Laws on the Disposition of Human Remains
    • Ann M. Murphy


  1. The Continuing Problem of America’s Aging Prison Population and the Search for a Cost-Effective and Socially Acceptable Means of Addressing It
    • Timothy Curtin
  2. Life and Death on Your Terms: The Advance Directives Dilemma and What Should Be Done in the Wake of the Schiavo Case
    • Werner Gruber
  3. The Elderly Facing Gentrification: Neglect, Invisibility, Entrapment, and Loss
    • Ana Petrovic
  4. There’s Something About Mexico: Exploring the Controversy, Costs, and Benefits of a Social Security Totalization Agreement with Our Neighbor to the South
    • Prajna Tuladhar


  1. “A Rose by Any Other Word Would Smell as Sweet,” but Would It Still be Treasured: The Mislabeling and Misunderstanding of Parents and Grandparents in American Policy
    • Randy Lee


Volume 14 Number 1 (2006)


  1. The U.S. Culture of Employee Ownership and 401(k) Plans
    • Dana M. Muir
  2. Social Security Privatization in Other Countries—What Lessons Can Be Learned for the United States
    • Elizabeth D. Tedrow


  1. The Ascendancy of Assisted Living: The Case for Federal Regulation
    • Patrick A. Bruce
  2. De-Moralizing Death: A Humanistic Approach to the Sanctity of Life
    • Shelly Cohen
  3. Come on in, the Water’s Fine: Opening up the Special Needs Pooled Trust to the Eligible Elderly Population
    • Jacqueline D. Farinella
  4. Uninformed, Misinformed, of Disinformed When “Movin’ Out”?: Circuit Court Splits on Employer Fiduciary Duties of Disclosure
    • Jordan B. Zucker


  1. The 51st State—The “State of Denial”: A Comparative Exploration of Penal Statutory Responses to “Criminal” Elder Abuse in Canada and the United States
    • Laura Watts and Leah Sandhu


Volume 14 Number 2 (2006)


  1. The Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement & Modernization Act of 2003: Will It Be Good Medicine for U.S. Health Policy?
    • Susan A. Channick
  2. Buried Online: State Laws That Limit E-Commerce in Caskets
    • Asheesh Agarwall and Jerry Ellig
  3. Neglecting the Neglected: The Likely Outcome of Damage Caps on Meritorious Nursing Home Lawsuits
    • Michael L. Rustad


  1. Paternalism vs. Patient Autonomy: Is the FDA’s “Mothering” Smothering Grandma’s and Grandpa’s Choice of Prescription Drugs?
    • Thad M. Brady
  2. Phishing for Elderly Victims: As the Elderly Migrate to the Internet, Fraudulent Schemes Targeting Them Follow
    • Eric L. Carlson
  3. Arbitration Clauses in Nursing Home Admission Agreements: Framing the Debate
    • Katherine Palm
  4. Don’t Want to Pay For Your Institutionalized Spouse? Just Say No and Send the Bill to Uncle Sam!
    • Andrew D. Wone


Volume 13 Number 1 (2005)


  1. Breathing Life Into Discharge Planning
    • Alfred J. Chiplin, Jr.
  2. Judicial Interpretation of Managed Care Policy
    • Robert F. Rich, Christopher T. Erb, and Louis J. Gale


  1. Missing the Forest for the Trees: The Illusory Half-Policy of Senior Citizen Property Tax Relief
    • Robert C. Christopherson
  2. Caring for the Elderly Undocumented Workers in the United States: Discretionary Reality or Undeniable Duty?
    • Laura Fernandez Feitl
  3. Equality at the End: Amending State Surrogacy Statutes to Honor Same-Sex Couples’ End-of-Life Decisions
    • Rebecca K. Glatzer


  1. Individual Decision Making and Risk in Defined Contribution Plans
    • James M. Poterba


Volume 13 Number 2 (2005)


  1. Top Ten Myths of Social Security Reform
    • Jeffery R. Brown, Kevin A. Hassett, and Kent Smetters
  2. Disparate Impact or Negative Impact?: The Future of Non-Intentional Discrimination Claims Brought by the Elderly
    • Sandra F. Sperino
  3. Predicating Dignity on Autonomy? The Need for Further Inquiry into the Ethics of Tagging and Tracking Dementia Patients with GPS Technology
    • Karen Eltis


  1. The Resurrection of the Death Tax: Decoupling and the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
    • Kevin M. Bohl
  2. Elderly Electors Go Postal: Ensuring Absentee Ballot Integrity for Older Voters
    • Jessica A. Fay
  3. Say What? How the Patient Self-Determination Act Leaves the Elderly with Limited English Proficiency Out in the Cold
    • Catherine J. Jones
  4. The Inability of World War II Atomic Veterans to Obtain Disability Benefits: Time is Running Out on Our Chance to Fix the System
    • Melinda F. Podgor


Volume 12 Number 1 (2004)


  1. Predicting and Preventing Nursing Home “Performance Closures” in Michigan: Why Regulators May Not Have All the Tools They Need
    • Alison E. Hirschel
  2. Protecting Who from What, and Why, and How?: A Proposal for an Integrative Approach to Adult Protective Proceedings
    • Jennifer L. Wright


  1. “Big Brother” and Grandma: An Argument for Video Surveillance in Nursing Homes
    • Selket Nicole Cottle
  2. When the System Fails: What Notification System Does Due Process Require in the Context of State Aid to the Elderly?
  3. In Search of a Government that Will Govern: Senate Bill 812 and “Reimporting” Prescription Medication from Canada
    • Abraham N. Saiger


  1. The Future of Medicare as an Entitlement Program
    • Marilyn Moon


Volume 12 Number 2 (2004)


  1. Hope We Die Before We Get Old: The Attack on Retirement
    • Patricia E. Dilley
  2. Governmental Responses to Elder Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes: The Criminal Justice System and the Civil False Claims Act
    • Michael J. Davidson


  1. Nursing Homes: Status-Based Evictions and the Medicaid Crisis
    • Cori F. Brown
  2. “The Diamond-Studded Wheelchair”: The Health Aid Exemption in Bankruptcy and Its Applications to the Elderly Debtor
    • Jennifer B. Herzog
  3. The Hidden Benefits of Property Tax Relief for the Elderly
    • Matthew J. Meyer
  4. From California to Illinois to Florida, Oh My!: The Need for a More Uniform Driver’s License Renewal Policy
    • David Rosenfield


Volume 11 Number 1 (2003)


  1. The Liberty and Property of Elders: Guardianship and Will Contests as the Same Claim
    • Alison Barnes
  2. Employer-Based Retirement Income—the Ideal, the Possible, and the Reality
    • Daniel Halperin


  1. Medicaid “Preferred Drug Lists”: Florida as a Model for Analysis
    • Nora Flaherty
  2. Sleeping Watchdogs of Personal Liberty: State Laws Disenfranchising the Elderly
    • Kingshuk K. Roy
  3. Living Longer, but for What? Legal Neglect of Cognitive Treatments
    • John R. Schleppenbach
  4. Sovereign Immunity Under the Eleventh Amendment: Kimel and Garrett, What Next for State Employees?
    • Hillina Taddesse Tamrat


  1. Confronting Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation: The Need for Elder Justice Legislation
    • Senator John B. Breaux and Senator Orrin G. Hatch


Volume 11 Number 2 (2003)


  1. Elderly Status, Extraordinary Physical Impairments and Intercircuit Variation Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
    • John D. Burrow, Ph.D, J.D. and Barbara A. Koons-Witt, Ph.D.
  2. Is the Pain Getting Any Better? How Elder Abuse Litigation Led to a Regulatory Revolution in the Duty to Provide Palliative Care
    • Timothy McIntire


  1. The Next Frontier in Tort Reform: Promoting the Financial Solvency of Nursing Homes
    • R. Patrick Bedell
  2. Surviving Exemption: Should the Church Exemption to ERISA Still Be in Effect?
    • Timothy Liam Epstein
  3. Who’s Watching the Cryptkeeper?: The Need for Regulation and Oversight in the Crematory Industry
    • Keith E. Horton
  4. The Lawyer’s Role in Combating the Hidden Crime of Elder Abuse
    • Sarah S. Sandusky


Volume 10 Number 1 (2002)


  1. The Developing Field of Elder Law Redux: Ten Years After
    • Lawrence A. Frolik
  2. Crowding Out: Estate Tax Reform and the Elder Law Policy Agenda
    • Richard L. Kaplan
  3. The Aging of the AIDS Epidemic: Emerging Legal and Public Health Issues for Elderly Persons Living with HIV/AIDS
    • Susan L. Waysdorf
  4. The New Aging: Individual and Societal Responses
    • Fernando M. Torres-Gil


  1. Enforcement of Standards of Care in the Long-Term Care Industry: How Far Have We Come and Where Do We Go from Here?
    • Kevin B. Dreher
  2. Why They Won’t Take the Money: Black Grandparents and the Success of Informal Kinship Care
    • Sonia Gipson Rankin
  3. Zoned Out: Assisted-Living Facilities and Zoning
    • Michael Kling
  4. Physical Restraints in Nursing Homes: An Analysis of Quality of Care and Legal Liability
    • Evan M. Meyers


Volume 10 Number 2 (2002)


  1. The Growing Prominence of Independent Living and Consumer Direction as Principles in Long-term Care: A Content Analysis and Implications for Elderly People with Disabilities
    • Andrew I. Batavia, J.D., M.S.
  2. What Mom Would Have Wanted: Lessons Learned from an Elder Law Clinic About Achieving Clients’ Estate-Planning Goals
    • Marla Lyn Mitchell-Cichon


  1. An Analysis of the Convention on the International Protection of Adults
    • Aimee R. Fagan
  2. Weakening Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act: The Buckhannon Decision and Other Developments Limiting Private Enforcement
    • Michael W. Kelly
  3. Helping Them Rest in Peace: Confronting the Hidden Crisis Facing Aging Parents of Disabled Children
    • Luana Olivas
  4. You Can Bet Your Life on It! Regulating Senior Settlements to Be a Financial Alternative for the Elderly
    • Jessica Maria Perez


  1. Civil Rights and Long-Term Care: Advocacy in the Wake of Olmstead v. L.C. ex rel. Zimring
    • Harriet McBryde Johnson and Lesly Bowers


Volume 9 Number 1 (2001)


  1. Demographic Tidal Waves and Other Myths: Social Security and Medicare
    • Mark Weisbrot


  1. When “I Do” Becomes “I Don’t”: Eliminating the Divorce Loophole To Medicaid Eligibility
    • Michael Farley
  2. Mental Health Advance Directives: A False Sense of Autonomy for the Nation’s Aging Population
    • Elizabeth Ann Rosenfield
  3. Open Wide—I Meant Your Pocketbook: Repercussions of the Dental Exclusion to the Medicare Act
    • Amanda McCluskey Schwob
  4. Re-Thinking the Estate Tax: Should Farmers Bear the Burden of a Wealth Tax?
    • Stephanie A. Weber


  1. Inside the Voting Booth: Ensuring the Intent of the Elderly Voter
    • Brian K. LaFratta and Jamie Lake


Volume 9 Number 2 (2001)


  1. Age Discrimination Models of Proof After Hazen Paper Co. v. Biggins
    • James C. Bailey
  2. Mandatory Criminal Background Checks of Those Caring for Elders: Preventing and Eliminating Abuse in Nursing Homes
    • Jennifer Marciano


  1. Inebriated Elders: The Problem of Substance Abuse Among the Elderly
    • Susan Abrams
  2. The Unspoken Poor: Single Elderly Women Surviving in Rural America
    • Michael L. Reig
  3. Does the Cash Ever Balance After Conversion?: An Examination of Cash Balance Pension Plan Conversions and ADEA Claims
    • Joshua A. Rodine
  4. Do Independent and Assisted Living Communities Violate the Fair Housing Amendment Act and The Americas with Disabilities Act?
    • Erin Ziaja


Volume 8 Number 1 (2000)


  1. Now Is The Moment To Reflect: Two Year’s Experience with Oregon’s Physician-Assisted Suicide Law
    • Susan R. Martyn and Henry J. Bourguignon
  2. Federal and State Initiatives to Jump Start the Market for Private Long-Term Care Insurance
    • Joshua M. Wiener, Jane Tilly, and Susan M. Goldenson


  1. Medicare Appeals and Interpretation: Meeting the Reasonable Expectations of Medicare Users Through a Comparison to Private Health Insurance
    • Jason J. DeJonker
  2. Space-Age Medicine, Stone-Age Government: How Medicare Reimbursement of Telemedicine Services Is Depriving the Elderly of Quality Medical Treatment
    • Kristen R. Jakobsen
  3. Venturing Out Beyond the Great Wall of Medicare: A Proposal to Provide Medicare Coverage Outside the United States
    • James Whitman


  1. Reforming Our Ailing Social Security System: The State of the Current System, It’s Impact on African Americans, and How Reformation Via Privatization Will Benefit African Americans and All Americans
    • Alvin Williams


Volume 8 Number 2 (2000)


  1. A Medico-Legal Evaluation of Dehydration and Malnutrition Among Nursing Home Residents
    • Julie A. Braun and Elizabeth A. Capezuti
  2. Domestic Abuse In Later Life
    • Bonnie Brandl, M.S.W. and Tess Meuer, JD
  3. Public Housing for the Elderly in Massachusetts: How Federal and State Disability Laws and Regulations Have Created a Sense of Confinement
    • Christine M. Cedrone


  1. The White World of Nursing Homes: The Myriad Barriers to Access Facing Today’s Elderly Minorities
    • Heather Aeschleman
  2. The Mental Health Parity Act: A Bar to Insurance Benefits Parity for the Elderly?
    • Brian K. LaFratta
  3. Screening School Grandparents: Ensuring Continued Safety and Success of School Volunteer Programs
    • Jamie Lake


Volume 7 Number 1 (1999)


  1. What Attorneys Should Know About Long-Term Care Insurance
    • Robert D. Hayes, Nancy G. Boyd, Kenneth W. Hollman
  2. Ten Years After: Where is the Constitutional Crisis with Procedural Safeguards and Due Process in Guardianship Adjudication?
    • A. Frank Johns


  1. Crossing the Decisional Abyss: An Evaluation of Surrogate Decision-Making Statutes as a Means of Bridging the Gap Between Post-Quinlan Red Tape and the Realization of an Incompetent Patient’s Right to Refuse Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment
    • Mark Stephen Bishop
  2. The Marketing of Gambling to the Elderly
    • Erika Gosker
  3. In the Wake of the Columbia/HCA Investigations: Plotting a Course for Medicare Compliance
    • Jamie R. Welton


  1. The Resurrection of Nursing Home Reform: A Historical Account of the Recent Revival of the Quality of Care Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities Established in the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987
    • Senator Charles Grassley


Volume 7 Number 2 (1999)


  1. Retirement Funding and the Curious Evolution of Individual Retirement Accounts
    • Richard L. Kaplan
  2. The Elder Witness—The Admissibility of Closed Circuit Television Testimony After Maryland v. Craig
    • J. Steven Beckett and Steven D. Stennett


  1. ADEA and the Hostile Work Environment Claim: Are the Circuit Courts Dragging Their Feet at the Expense of the Harassed Older Worker?
    • Margaret M. Gembala
  2. The “New” Newlyweds: Marriage Among the Elderly, Suggestions to the Elder Law Practitioner
    • Joanna Lyn Grama
  3. A New Sexual Revolution?: Viagra as Pandora’s Box for the Elderly
    • Christopher A. Julka


  1. Advance Directives: Religious, Moral, and Theological Aspects
    • William J. Wood


Volume 6 Number 1 (1998)


  1. Age Discrimination in Employment and the Americans with Disabilities Act: “A Second Bite at the Apple”
    • Constance Kleiner Hood
  2. Recent Changes in Medicare Managed Care: A Step Backwards for Consumers?
    • Karen Visocan


  1. Revamping the Phantom Protections for the Vulnerable Elderly: Section 3Al.l(b), New Hope for Old Victims
    • Trent M. Murch
  2. Promises Made, Promises Broken: Securing Defined Benefit Pension Plan Income in the Wake of Employer Bankruptcy: Should We Rethink Priority Status for the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation?
    • Jill L. Uylaki
  3. The Face of Social Security in the Twenty-First Century: An Analysis of the Reform Proposals Offered by the Social Security Advisory Council
    • Rebecca E. Perrine Wade


  1. Elder Law Journal Lecture: Seniors and Minorities in America
    • Paul Simon
  2. Patient Dumping: Implications for the Elderly
    • George P. Smith, II


Volume 6 Number 2 (1998)


  1. Can We Talk?: Impediments to Intergenerational Communication and Practice in Law School Elder Law Clinics
    • Steven Keith Berenson
  2. The Home Health Care Crisis: Medicare’s Fastest Growing Program Legalizes Spiraling Costs
    • Brian E. Davis


  1. To Transfer or Not to Transfer: Congress Failed to Stiffen Penalties for Medicaid Estate Planning, but Should the Practice Continue?
    • John M. Broderick
  2. Finally Laid to Rest?: The Impact of Wheeler v. United States on Judicial Interpretation of the Bona Fide Sale Exception to Section 2036(a) of the Internal Revenue Code
    • Grant Robert Gulovsen
  3. Has the Age Discrimination in Employment Act Remained Effective in the United States as Well as in an Increasingly Globalized Economy?
    • Cynthia Jean Robertson


  1. EEOC v. Johnson & Higgins, Inc.: Making the World Safe for Millionaires
    • Daniel P. O’Meara
  2. Whose Decision Is It Anyway?: Identifying the Medicaid Planning Client
    • David M. Rosenfeld


Volume 5 Number 1 (1997)


  1. The Impact of Advance Medical Directives on Distribution of Estate Assets Under the Simultaneous Death Act
    • James C. Benson and Russell Austin
  2. Reverse Mortgages: Backing into the Future
    • Jean Reilly


  1. The Elderly in Guardianship: A Crisis of Constitutional Proportions
    • Mark D. Andrews
  2. Collecting Attorney’s Fees in Social Security Disputes: Procedures, Analysis, and Retroactive Application of Equal Access to Justice Act Timing Requirements
    • Ann C. Chalstrom
  3. The Elderly and the Discriminatory Use of Genetic Information
    • Kyle G. French


  1. Elder Law Journal Lecture: Don’t Sock the Elderly, Help Them: Old Age Is Hard Enough
    • Robert Eisner
  2. A Call for a Functional Multidisciplinary Approach to Intervention in Cases of Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation: One Legal Clinic’s Experience
    • Suzanne J. Levitt and Rebecca J. O’Neill


Volume 5 Number 2 (1997)


  1. Acceleration of Death of the Terminally Ill with Physician Assistance
    • Eugene F. Scoles


  1. On Scoles
    • Wayne R. LaFave


  1. Elderly Immigrants: What Should They Expect of the Social Safety Net?
    • Leslie Pickering Francis
  2. Semantics and Policy in Physician-Assisted Death: Piercing the Verbal Veil
    • Leslie Joan Harris


  1. The Anabolic Steroids Act: Bad Medicine for the Elderly
    • Jeffrey Hedges
  2. Strengthening the Older Americans Act’s Long-Term Care Protection Provisions: A Call for Further Improvement of Important State Ombudsman Programs
    • Elizabeth B. Herrington
  3. The State Giveth and the State Taketh Away: In Pursuit of a Practical Approach to Medicaid Estate Recovery
    • Ion M. Zieger


  1. The Right to Live
    • Leigh B. Middleditch, Jr. and Joel H. Trotter


Volume 4 Number 1 (1996)


  1. Preneed Funeral Plans: The Case for Uniformity
    • Judith A. Frank
  2. Enhancing Autonomy and Choice in Selecting and Directing Long-Term Care Services
    • Marshall B. Kapp


  1. The Law and Economics of the Elderly
    • Thomas Ulen


  1. License to Steal: Implied Gift-Giving Authority and Powers of Attorney
    • Hans A. Lapping
  2. Releasing the Elderly Inmate: A Solution to Prison Overcrowding
    • Jason S. Ornduff
  3. Consumer Fraud and the Elderly: The Need for a Uniform System of Enforcement and Increased Civil and Criminal Penalties
    • Richard A. Starnes


Volume 4 Number 2 (1996)


  1. Testamentary Capacity in Alzheimer’s Disease
    • Warren F. Gorman, M.D.
  2. Liability Issues Affecting Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services: Report and Recommendations
    • Charles P. Sabatino, J.D. and Dr. Simi Litvak


  1. Recognizing a Fundamental Liberty Interest Protecting the Right to Die: An Analysis of Statutes Which Criminalize or Legalize Physician-Assisted Suicide
    • William J. Tarnow
  2. Spousal Impoverishment or Enrichment? An Assessment of Asset and Income Transfers by Medicaid Applicants
    • Louis D. Torch


  1. Women’s Retirement Security
    • Senator Carol Moseley-Braun
  2. Fighting for Fairness: Keeping Public Wards in the Community and out of Nursing Homes Women’s Retirement Security
    • Patrick T. Murphy


Volume 3 Number 1 (1995)


  1. Elder Law: A Guide to Key Resources 
    • Susan J. Hemp and Cheryl Rae Nyberg
  2. Health Care Reform—Past and Future
    • David Blumenthal
  3. The Elder Law Attorney: Working with Grief
    • Clifton B. Kruse, Jr.


  1. Family Limited Partnerships, Trusts, or Limited Liability Corporations: Which Should the Elderly Choose?
    • Timothy R. Baumann
  2. “Grandma, Grandpa, Where Are You?”—Putting the Focus of Grandparent Visitation Statutes on the Best Interests of the Child
    • Christine Davik-Galbraith
  3. Mandatory Reporting Statutes: A Necessary Yet Underutilized Response to Elder Abuse
    • Molly Dickinson Velick


Volume 3 Number 2 (1995)


  1. Top Ten Myths of Social Security
    • Richard L. Kaplan
  2. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Problems and Policy from an Illinois Perspective
    • Mary C. Rudasill


  1. Preventing Social Security Overpayments to Older Claimants
    • Deborah I. Ginsberg
  2. Elderly Drivers: The Need for Tailored License Renewal Procedures
    • Jennifer L. Klein
  3. After Price Waterhouse and the Civil Rights Act of 1991: Providing Attorney’s Fees to Plaintiffs in Mixed Motive Age Discrimination Cases 
    • Nancy L. Lane
  4. Criminalizing Physical and Emotional Elder Abuse
    • Robert A. Polisky


Volume 2 Number 1 (1994)


  1. Representing the Client Who Is Older in the Law Office and in the Courtroom
    • William E. Adams and Rebecca C. Morgan
  2. Durable Powers as a Hedge Against Guardianship: Should the Attorney-at-Law Accept Appointment as Attorney-in-Fact?
    • Linda S. Whitton


  1. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Elderly Offenders: Walking a Tightrope Between Uniformity and Discretion (and Slipping)
    • Thomas A. Long
  2. The Golden State v. The Silver State or State Taxation of Nonresidents’ Pension Income
    • Robert F. Messinger
  3. Is your Client’s Government Pension Safe?: Making the Case for Federal Regulation
    • Jon G. Miller


Volume 2 Number 2 (1994)


  1. The National Probate Court Standards: The Role of the Courts in Guardianship and Conservertorship Proceedings
    • Paula L. Hannaford and Thomas L. Hafemeister


  1. Financing Strategies: Long-Term Care for the Elderly
    • Erick J. Bohlman


  1. The Right to a Remedy: When Should an Abused Nursing Home Resident Sue?
    • Susan H. Hemp
  2. Uncertainty in the Golden Years: The Growing Demands upon the American Retirement Security System
    • Christopher T. Kelley
  3. Hedonic Damages in Wrongful Death and Survival Actions: The Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease
    • Lori A. Nicholson


Volume 1 Number 1 (1993)


  1. The Medicare Alzheimer’s Disease Demonstration
    • Colleen C. Manning


  1. Should Government Regulate the Financial Management of Continuing Care Retirement Communities?
    • Michael D. Floyd
  2. Reverse Mortgages: A Financial Planning Device for the Elderly
    • Celeste M. Hammond


  1. The Developing Field of Elder Law: A Historical Perspective
    • Lawrence A. Frolik
  2. Elder Law in the Nineties
    • Peter J.Strauss


Volume 1 Number 2 (1993)


  1. Representing Defendants in Guardianship Proceedings: The Attorney’s Dilemma of Conflicting Responsibilities
    • Anne K. Pecora


  1. Spending Down for Medicaid Eligibility in Section 209(B) States: Should the Procedures Be Changed?
    • Elizabeth T. Melady
  2. Meeting the Needs of Elderly Consumers: Proposed Reforms for the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Long-Term Care Insurance Model Act
    • Bruce A. Radke
  3. Medicaid and the Middle Class: Should the Government Pay for Everyone’s Long-Term Health Care?
    • Jeffrey L. Soltermann


  1. The Long and Winding Road: Guardianship Reform in Michigan
    • Bradley Geller
